Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Respect each other

As human, there should be a humanity.
Well, we can not live alone in this world, we need friends sometimes even though you are strong, smart, energetic person or whatever you are, we are human.
Rich or poor, black or white, curly or straight, muslim or christian or hindu or budha, we are the same one, human, just respect each other and treat other the way you wanna be treated regardless they are different from you.

It such a breathtaking when you see someone treat another people so carelessly, even though you are rich, smart or whatever you are, that can never be right. Who knows our future? it could be you are their slave or some thing or may be in the future they gain success more than you now. Hello, if we can dive to future, and see what would happen, you may regret with the bad things that you do now. I am just saying, Life, who knows? God knows.

Well guys, I am not telling you, but it is also a note for me, just sharing. I want to be treated well, so I have to treat other well. I guess it does make a sense, in chemistry we have such a nice words "dissolve like dissolve" it does refer to polarity and non polarity, polar compounds can be dissolved in polar solvent and the same thing for non polar compounds can be dissolved in nonpolar solvent. If you do a good thing then you will surrounded by good things, and it also happens when you do a bad thing, you will automatically surrounded by bad things.

I am so irritated when some of my friends in FB or IG or twitter write/post a negative status or comment. I just feel like, who the h*ll are you pointing to? is it me or somebody else? If you have your private problems, please solve it with the person you have problem with, not by saying on social media. If you want to share something good, fun, informative, supportive, I would really appreciate it, but not with negativity. I just don't want to let one useless status/comment ruins my day, I just want to fill my day with positiveness and enthusiastic. Let's start our day with something positive and respect, it is not only for your self but also people around you.

I said that "treat people the way you want to be treated", I have one story. My Prof has a flower garden in our campus, he takes care of the flowers, I guess he really likes the garden. Every day he is watering the garden except rainy day. One day, he had to go abroad for scientific meeting. Before he left us, he did not say anything about his garden, though he was watering the garden before he left. After he arrived, he sent me message in very polite words (you know that he is my Professor, he could ask me anything related to academic, research or campus) but it was surprising me when my Professor asked me with that very polite words to watering his garden, I just did not know how to reply his message, but I did my best to be more polite to him. You know the essence of this short story, now matter how expert he is, he still respects me as a human. Actually my Professor has been so much inspiring me, he is one of my inspirations. I just want to be a better woman, and let's be a better person than ever together guys!

I hope this can inspire you also, stop to hate, and start to love..
love you guys....

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